Osho Pulsation Bodywork: Opening to Feeling 5-7 May

  Osho Pulsation is a method of self-exploration and personal growth which works through the body and the life energy system, to re-claim our natural aliveness and expressiveness. It is one of the foundations of Osho Therapy, and provides the awareness and the tools to ground this personal growth process



5 mai 2017 - 10:00


7 mai 2017 - 18:00


Mind Evolution Society   View map


Conscious Living


Osho Pulsation is a method of self-exploration and personal growth which works through the body and the life energy system, to re-claim our natural aliveness and expressiveness. It is one of the foundations of Osho Therapy, and provides the awareness and the tools to ground this personal growth process in the body, using breathing, movement, and sound to explore the full range of sensations, feelings and emotions that we carry inside.

Pulsation’s body-based approach to personal growth is deeply rooted in the revolutionary work of Wilhelm Reich, and is guided by some of the ‘maps’ of body-energy flow which he discovered. Techniques using breathing, body movements, and expressive sounds form a framework to explore the tensions and blocks which have formed in the body over many years of conditioning and repression.


Results are immediate and tangible as well as sustainable:

  • Feeling more alive in the body, and allowing this aliveness spontaneous expression
  • An unburdening of old emotional baggage, leading to a feeling of lightness
  • Freer and more pleasurable sexuality and sensuality
  • More love, joy, trust, and laughter
  • Expanded capacity to feel and express emotions
  • A more relaxed, more loose body

During this weekend, we are going to reconnect with the sensations coming from the body and to re-establish a more spontaneous flow of our vital energy. Through breathing techniques and physical neo-reichian exercises, we will be bringing awareness to the feelings and together with Osho Meditations, we will clean our ability to perceive and we will give to physical and emotional tensions the needed space to gradually melt. Our body will become more fluid and flexible.

For beginners, this is a way to discover the synergy created in the meeting between body, therapy and meditation. For experts, it is a good chance to reconnect with the depth of the being and to revitalize the body.


More info: www.oshopulsation.it (in Italian) and www.oshopulsation.com (in English)

The workshop will be held in English. Schedule: friday (10.00-22.00), saturday (10.00-22.00), sunday (10.00-18.00)

Price: 250 euros. 




Osho Pulsation este o metoda de auto-explorare si dezvoltare personala care lucreaza cu sistemul energetic al corpului nostru pentru a ne recapata expresivitatea si starea naturala de a fi activi. Folosind respiratia, miscarea si sunetul ca metode de a ne explora o intreaga gama de senzatii, sentimente si emotii pe care le purtam in interior, Osho Pulsation face parte din terapiile de baza ale lui Osho si ofera instrumentele necesare catre constientizare si catre inradacinarea acestui proces de dezvoltare in corp.

Abordarea acestui sistem in dezvoltarea personala este adanc inradacinata in munca revolutionara a lui Wilhem Reich, si este ghidata de o serie de „harti” ale fluxului de energie a corpului pe care acesta le-a descoperit. Tehnicile care folosesc respiratia, miscarile corpului si sunetele expresive creeaza un cadru pentru a explora tensiunile si blocajele care s-au format in corp pe parcursul a mai multor ani de conditionare si represiune.


Rezultatele sunt imediate, concrete si durabile. Acestea includ:

  • senzatia de a fi mai vioi in interior, acest sentiment putand fi exprimat spontan
  • despovararea de bagaje emotionale vechi, creand astfel o senzatie de lejeritate
  • o sexualitate si o senzualitate mai libera si mai placuta
  • mai multa iubire, fericire, incredere si seninatate
  • o capacitate extinsa de a simti si a exprima emotiile
  • un corp mai relaxat, mai liber


Pe parcursul acestui weekend, ne vom reconecta cu senzatiile care provin din organism si vom restabili un flux al energiei noastre vitale mai spontan. Prin tehnicile de respiratie si exercitiile neo-reichiene vom constientiza sentimentele, iar impreuna cu meditatiile Osho ne vom curata capacitatea de a percepe si vom ajuta tensiunile emotionale si fizice sa dispara. Corpul nostru va deveni mai fluid si mai flexibil.

Pentru incepatori, aceasta este o modalitate de a descoperi sinergia creata de intalnirea dintre corp, terapie si meditatie. Pentru avansati, aceasta este o sansa buna de a restabili legatura cu propria fiinta si de a revitaliza corpul.


Mai multe informatii: www.oshopulsation.it (italiana) si www.oshopulsation.com (engleza).
Workshopul se va desfasura in engleza.Program: vineri (10.00-22.00), sambata (10.00-22.00), duminica (10.00-18.00)

Pret: 250 euro. 



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