8 mai 2017 - 18:00
9 mai 2017 - 21:30
Mind Evolution Society View mapCategorii
Conscious LivingMatter is vibrating energy.
Sound has a profound impact on human psychosomatic, mental and energy synthesis. All living organisms are symphonic, meaning the more coherent all subsystems operate and interact, more resilient they are in all aspects, more harmonious interaction flowers with the micro, meso, and ultimately macro environment.
In this workshop, we will discover the aspects of sound and music as tools for healing, as an aim in the ever evolving procedure, as a qualitative agent for the heightening of the quality of life.
Deepening into Music’s experiential aspect through music creation and active listening skills, enlightens the mystery of its magic, its divine structure and nature.
Meditation integrates all the fragments into an organic Whole, a joyous celebration, a cosmic wisdom.
This workshop is designed for the active musician of any level, holistic therapist and medical doctor, school or any other teacher, and anyone who wishes to deepen his or her understanding on the impact of sound waves and man made music on the human psychophysiology and energy field.
Through the integration of science, art and spirituality, a holistic understanding containing information and transmissive experiences in a personal and group setting, sculpts a contemporary shaman, a healer, an alchemist whose primary tools and ingredients are sound and music with all their structural elements, an individual .
Two days filled with:
- Meditation techniques
- Sound Healing experiences
- Music therapy activities
will provide the participants with tools for everyday use, playful techniques for stress management and personal expansion
Sundaram Demetrios Psychas has extensive background and experience as a musician, sound healer and music therapist, integrating these fields with his trainings in Osho meditations and meditative therapies, as well as being a certified prenatal psychology practitioner.
Schedule: May 8, 9. Time: 18.00-21.30.
The workshop will be held in English.
Price: 275 ron
Materia este energie care vibreaza.
Sunetul are un impact profund asupra psihosomaticii umane, precum si a sintezei mentale si energetice. Toate organismele vii sunt simfonice, ceea ce inseamna ca pe cat de coerent functioneaza si interactioneaza subsistemele, pe atat de rezistente devin in toate aspectele si infloresc armonios cu mediul micro, meso si in cele din urma macro.
Pe parcursul acestui workshop vom descoperi aspecte ale sunetului si muzicii ca metode de vindecare, acestea fiind agenti importanti pentru imbunatatirea calitatii vietii.
Vom aprofunda tainele experientiale ale muzicii si a abilitatilor de ascultare activa, care aduc lumina in jurul misterului magiei acesteia, precum si a structurii si naturii sale divine.
Meditatia integreaza toate aceste fragmente intr-un tot organic, o celebrare plina de bucurie, o intelepciune cosmica.
Acest workshop este potrivit pentru muzicieni de orice nivel, profesori scolari sau de orice alt fel, precum si pentru orice persoana care doreste sa isi aprofundeze intelegerea asupra impactului pe care undele sonore si muzica compusa de om il poate avea asupra psihologiei umane si a campului energetic.
Prin integrarea stiintei, artei si a spiritualitatii, intelegerea holistica prin transmiterea de informatii si experiente intr-un cadru de grup sau individual se sculpteaza un saman contemporan, un vindecator, un alchimist ale carui instrumente principale sunt sunetele si muzica.
Sunt 2 zile cu:
- Tehnici de meditatie
- Experiente vindecatoare prin sunet
- Activitati de terapie prin muzica
- Activitatile de terapie muzicala vor oferii participantilor instrumente de zi cu zi, tehnici jucause pentru managementul stresului si expansiune personala
Sundaram Demetrios Psychas are o vasta experienta ca si musician, vindecator prin sunet, precum si terapeut si integreaza aceste domenii in trainingurile sale si in terapiile meditative. El este si practicant certificat in psihologie prenatala
Program: 8-9 mai, orele 18.00-21.30
Workshopul se va desfasura in limba engleza.
Pret: 275 ron