Primal Deconditioning Intensive 23-28 May 2017

“Primal is the first process that I have done in India and it has completely changed my perspective of life. I am extremely happy and grateful that I can bring it to Romania. I believe every person should do it. It helps you to free yourself of the childhood conditioning



23 mai 2017 - 16:00


28 mai 2017 - 17:00


Conscious Living

“Primal is the first process that I have done in India and it has completely changed my perspective of life. I am extremely happy and grateful that I can bring it to Romania. I believe every person should do it. It helps you to free yourself of the childhood conditioning while giving you the chance to know who you really are and how to live freely.” – Andreea Raicu


Who is Primal Deconditioning Intensive for?

When you have questions regarding the following issues: Why is it that I can’t find or keep a good relationship? I can’t seem to find a purpose in life; I don’t do what I like to do; I spend my time worrying and comparing myself with others; I have a feeling that something must be wrong with me; I feel ashamed about my look; I seem to only work, work, work, or I can’t keep or find a job; I do so much my best but it never works out, attract abuse in my life; I am clean now, but I have difficulties with alcohol or drugs, have a food or sex addiction; I have difficulties trusting people; I live an isolated life; I have difficulties making decisions for myself, I feel many times overwhelmed; I don’t feel good enough as a man or a woman; I have anger attacks; experience the world as a unsafe place; There is no abundance for me or I don’t deserve it; I am not worth it…

If one or more of those are part of your life, you might want to have a deeper look at the cause, the root of those believes. It is in childhood that we create a blueprint of ourselves, of who we (unconsciously) decide to become as adults….


About Primal Deconditioning Intensive: This is a therapeutic childhood de-conditioning program which works with our basic conditioning acquired in the first 7 years of our lives. This forms the blueprint of who we unconsciously become as an adult. Conditioning is given to us by parents, family, teachers and society – it is a learned behavior. It creates a false personality. That in turn deprives us from what is real, essential and true in us – a place where we feel at home and connected.

This process works through the layers of our personality which manifest themselves mostly as our self-destructive behaviors, addictions, and co-dependency issues.

We use different techniques, to re-connect with the healthy, alive child inside of us to set it free from the “hypnosis” of the past.

In the end, the meditation on a daily basis will enable us to separate from our wounds, maintaining a healthier and fulfilled life in the present moment.


„The only problem in attaining to your childhood again is that what, because of trust and because of fear, you have accepted from the family, from the society, from the church, from the school – all that has to be dropped. It needs courage” Osho


Primal Deconditioning Intensive is a residential course (room will be shared with the co-participants) with vegetarian food to support the process. Alcohol and drugs are not allowed. This process is in silence and isolation for all the 5 days. Therefore, participants can’t use internet, mobile, sms during that time. They would need to inform their loved ones that only after the 5 days they will re-connect again. (There is no exception for this).

Prerequisite: Experience with OSHO Dynamic Meditation and emotional release work like breath work is recommended, it is advisable to have done some inner-childhood work before.


Price: 700 euros (accommodation and meals included for all 5 days)

Location: Akasha Wellness Retreat

Attention! Limited number of participants to 14! If interested, please complete the form below for more information.



“Primal este primul proces pe care l-am facut in India si care mi-a schimbat complet perspectiva asupra vietii. Sunt extrem de fericita si recunoscatoare ca pot sa il aduc in Romania. Cred ca toti oamenii ar trebui sa-l faca. Te ajuta sa te eliberezi de conditionarile din copilarie, si in acelasi timp iti ofera sansa de a afla cine esti cu adevarat si de a trai liber.” – Andreea Raicu


Pentru cine este Primal Decoditioning Intensive?

Cand ai intrebari cu privire la urmatoarele aspecte: de ce nu pot gasi sau pastra o relatie buna, nu imi gasesc scopul in viata, nu fac ceea ce imi doresc, imi petrec timpul ingrijorandu-ma si comparandu-ma cu altii, am impresia ca ceva e in neregula cu mine, aspectul meu ma frustreaza, tot ce fac este sa lucrez si iar sa lucrez, sau nu pot gasi/pastra un job, ofer ce am mai bun dar nu functioneaza niciodata, atrag abuzuri in viata mea, sunt treaz acum dar am probleme cu alcoolul si cu drogurile, sunt dependent de mancare sau de sex, mi-e greu sa am incredere in oameni, traiesc o viata izolata, mi-e greu sa iau singur decizii, ma simt complesit de multe ori, nu ma simt suficient de bine ca femeie sau ca barbat, am atacuri de furie, consider lumea un loc nesigur, nu exista abundenta pentru mine, nu o merit.

In cazul in care va regasiti intr-una sau mai multe din cele enumerate mai sus, poate ar trebui sa aruncati o privire la cauzele acestor probleme, la radacina acestor credinte, adica in copilarie – cand cream planul pentru noi si pentru felul in care alegem (inconstient) sa devenim ca adulti.


Despre Primal Deconditioning Intensive: Este un program de deconditionare terapeutica a copilariei care lucreaza cu conditionarile formate in primii 7 ani din viata. Acestea construiesc planul care ne formeaza mai tarziu ca si adulti. Conditionarile ne sunt date de catre parinti, familie, profesori si societate – este un comportament invatat. Acesta duce la crearea unei personalitati false si ne impiedica sa o pastram pe cea adevarata si esentiala – locul in care ne simtim confortabil si conectati.

Procesul lucreaza la laturile personalitatii care se manifesta prin comportamentele noastre auto-distructive, dependente si probleme de co-dependenta. Se folosesc tehnici diferite pentru a ne reconecta cu acel copil sanatos care se afla in noi, pe care il vom ajuta sa se elibereze de hipnoza trecutului. In cele din urma, meditatia zilnica ne va ajuta sa ne vindecam ranile si sa mentinem un stil de viata mai sanatos si ancorat in prezent.


“Singura problema in a atinge din nou copilaria este ca trebuie sa renuntam la tot ce am acceptat (din incredere sau de frica) de la familie, de la societate, de la biserica sau de la scoala. Este nevoie de curaj” OSHO


Primal Deconditioning Intensive este un curs rezidential (cazarea e in camere duble) cu mancare vegetariana. Alcoolul si medicamentele nu sunt permise. Procesul se desfasoara in tacere si izolare timp de 5 zile. Asadar, participantii nu pot avea acces la internet sau la telefon pe parcursul cursului, trebuind sa ii anunte pe cei dragi ca vor relua legatura doar dupa aceste 5 zile.

Cerinte: Este recomandat ca participantii sa aiba experienta cu meditatiile dinamice OSHO sau sa fi participat la cursuri de eliberare emotionala sau chiar sa fi lucrat cu diverse aspecte ale „copilului interior”.


Pret: 700 euro (include cazare si masa pentru cele 5 zile)

Locatie: Akasha Wellness Retreat

Atentie: nr de locuri limitat la 14!




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